Evidence Based Clinical Assessment Toolkit (EBCAT) – Training and implementation
Changes made to the Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI) in 2013 included the need for more evidence to support funding claims made by services for the activities of daily living and pain. In addition, more stringent penalties were introduced for providers with inaccurate or misleading ACFI appraisals.
These changes highlight the importance of robust documentation and evidence.
In response to this, we developed EBCAT (Evidence Based Clinical Assessment Toolkit, ©2014) and we provide training and consultancy services to organisations wishing to implement it in their facilities.
The key benefit of EBCAT is that it creates a clear link between the assessment process, an accountable and robust documentation system, accurate and robust funding claims, and quality care outcomes. It also:
- Collates best practice assessments and documentation approaches from a selection of evidence-based Australian resources
- Provides practical guidance, flowcharts and process maps to assist users
- Encourages ‘beyond compliance’ practices
- Makes it easier to meet broader healthcare needs, ACFI evidence requirements and support the provision of quality care
- Incorporates an auditable process that uses evidence-based clinical assessment tools for determining and managing residents care needs